Note: edited Mar. 21
ESP moves to last Wednesdays in 2008! ESP regulars of Magdalena's Tea House partner up with Open Stage Night.
- Sign-up 7pm; performance 7:30pm.
Lansing's 2008 City Council prepares to follow up on preventing violence against women. See The Lansing State Journal article from 30 Dec 2007:
- "Council may tackle domestic violence: Victim's lobbying could result in ad hoc committee" by Susan Vela
Eastsiders are inviting you to NorthStar Center at 7:30pm on Tues., Jan. 8, to keep womYn safe in our neighborhood. Here are some details from their invite (hyperlinks added by me):
- North Star Community Center has accepted our request to use the space for this newly forming organization focused on combating the increase of violence against womyn here in our neighborhoods.
Some of the goals we wish to reach are education and organization around sex work (prostitution) and the womyn sex work effects, as well as a Take Back The Night event for all womyn and womyn-bodied individuals in the spring!!!
Our first meetings will be about brainstorming, honing the group's mission, finding a new name for the group, pulling together contacts to build bridges, research on our issues, and getting the ball rolling for spring.