Wednesday, October 10, 2007



Greetings from the Northwest where my next reading is at Zippy's Java Lounge in Everett, WA, this Thursday, October 11.

Closing out Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Deena Tyler and I are performing at the Candlelight Vigil organized by EVE Inc., MSU Safe Place, and partners: Tuesday, October 30, 6:30pm at The People's Church of East Lansing, MI.

Also on October 30, I am hosting East Side Poetry Open Mic at Magdalena's Tea House in Lansing, MI. Poetry starts at 8pm with guest Amanda Dubey from Relief Against Violent Encounter, as we dedicate the night to STOP THE VIOLENCE. Cover is $5.


Following up SPEAK OUT for Safety (Oct. 1), I continue corresponding with city officials and local media to prevent violence and its direction at women.

The results are noteworthy, especially about people who are dialoguing with survivors of violence.

Robin Mulligan visited the SPEAK OUT. She is the daughter murder victim Stanley Patlu and will be at the Safety Union - Sunday, November 11, 3 to 5pm at Gone Wired Cafe.

Through exchanges via the LSJ forums, Julie Thorne spoke on behalf of murder victim Ric Leach at the SPEAK OUT.

Due to an LSJ story, Detective Elizabeth Bonello joined the SPEAK OUT and addressed neighborhood watch opportunities.

RSVPs so far for the Saftey Union (Nov. 11) include an LPD representative, confirmed by Chief Mark Alley; and EVE Inc. Community Relations Coordinator Jillian Pastoor.

And more!

One week after filling a citizens complaint against Mayor Bernero for violating Lansing's City Charter (complaint available online), I received a letter from Mr. Mayor after a month of my writing him about violence against women.

The City Pulse published a cover story on October 3, titled If Boys Will Be Boys, Then Men Will Beat Women by Gretchen Cochran.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Shinin' Bright

The sun broke out at midpoint during the SPEAK OUT for Safety. The rain stopped before neighbors and anti-violence advocates started sharing visions for a safe city, and started again a half hour after we packed up. It was a great day!

LSJ staff Becky Shink photographed participants--and fabulously! Check out the LSJ Photo Gallery of the event.

And soon to be published: materials from the SPEAK OUT!

And we're keeping the dialogue open! On Nov. 11, from 3-5pm at the Gone Wired Cafe, residents and community groups gather for the Safety Union.

We'll "sound off" about our safety goals (responses we're receiving, brick walls we're hitting, ideas for more action) and strategize next steps to 2008.

During this gathering, a talking circle will take place. Also, there will be small and large group discussions.

City officials have been invited to join us for listening and asking questions.

UPDATE 2 Oct.: Chief Alley confirms that an LPD rep is coming!

Stop by the Gone Wired Cafe and check out the DVA Month display! Community Calendars with poetry and neighborhood events are available.