Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Must Reads

So I wanted to pass on some recent 'must reads.' Would love to hear about yours as well!

So what suggestions have you for 'must reads'? I look forward to checking them out!

Monday, August 11, 2008

The last time I saw my father (or Waiting)

The last time I saw my father, it was a hot day in mid-July, just a month ago. He and my step-mother had driven six hours north to retrieve his car from me. The car he was supposed to get last October. I wanted it gone, this reminder of him. How do I explain ... there is much I have forgiven, but still so much I cannot yet forgive. The car was not a generous gift, but a loan with a million strings attached. Strings I have been trying to detach since I was ten.

But he came here, finally, and the day was spent sweating and squinting, charging the dead battery, replacing flat tires, making small talk. All talk is small with him, empty of meaning. He lacks the depth I always longed for him to have. He has always disappointed. Promises were meant to be broken, with him, gifts to burden, lies to soften the inevitable blow. He cannot be who I wanted him to be, who I dreamed he was in my childhood.

He was once my hero; now he is always the villain, and I am angry for still loving him, for still secretly needing him to care. So angry that I avoid his phone calls, keep visits to a minimum, and call him by his first name behind his back. So angry and yet so sad. In this disappointment lives a little girl who just wanted to be good enough to be loved.

This trip was no different than the others before it. Every time I find, upon reflection, that I still dream he will change and he will love me for who I am... a lesson I have not learned myself. Maybe what I am really waiting for is the day that I stop waiting for him to change and learn to love him despite his imperfections, and maybe that will be enough.


La junta de mujeres escritoras de Agosto 10- 2008
fue especial. El tema para nuestro primer poema
fue (La ultima ves que viste a tu papa.)
La mayoría del grupo somos mujeres con edad de 25 a 55 anos.
Mi poema fue asi


Fragil figura inerte en su aposento
Alma angustiosa...
Refleja en su fas la inquietante pregunta.
Sufrimiento agobiante...
Si!...Anela el alivio de su pesada carga.
Lloro en silencio...
Siento su aliento al tocar su pecho,
que palpita anelante
en presuroso paso.
No encuentro palabras para expresar lo que siento.
Pero mis manos palpan,
aun su bello rostro.
Cuantas beses te busque sin encontrarte,
y sufrí inmensamente tu abandono.
Hoy mis lagrimas como
una serena lluvia riegan tu cuerpo.
Y asi dan alivio a nuestras almas.
Perdón sin palabras, pues hay veces
a las palabras se las lleva el viento.
Al final de nuestro gran momento,
salgo, dejándote con un beso.
Y retengo para siempre en mi mente
la ultima brillante luz amorosa de
tus ojos verdes.

Copyright 2008, Marycela Avalos

"The last time I saw my father..."

Whenever our nearly-weekly group Women Writers gathers, we begin with a writing prompt. A priority for us is time for writing! The most recent prompt was

    "The last time I saw my father..."
--a very powerful prompt indeed. Here is what I wrote in reply:
    "10 August 2008 - The last time I saw my father was Sunday, November 28, 19999, in the afternoon Pacific Time. He died, which means he passed from a shell to a sea until another shell passed his way. His picture sits on my dresser. There he stands on a boulder lodged in a river with rapids. He smiles wearing a shirt with a grizzly bear. The bear looks up as its jaws open wide, rows of teeth displayed. Bear was one of Dad's totems, as was Eagle with out-stretched talons. Dad speaks to me through Elvis songs on the radio, and he is with me more than I know."

    Copyright 2008, Melissa Dey Hasbrook.