Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Poetry and Prevention

Don't miss the East Side Poetry Open Mike at Magdalena's Tea House! Lisa Sayles, a Survivin' & Thrivin' regular, is hosting.

Joining us Oct.1 at Lansing City Hall are the Michigan Peace Team and
Triangle Foundation. A huge thank you to these groups!

Are you interested to join the program? Here's how to sign up!

The Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence published an important resource for local leaders and community members:

A Vision for Prevention: Key Issues and Statewide Recommendations for the Primary Prevention of Violence Against Women in Michigan (2003) by Wendi L. Siebold

The book is available for free and in PDF format. Just follow the proper link to download on this web page .

Here are the key issues listed in its table of contents:

  • Integrating violence against women prevention messages into every local community in Michigan.

  • Building relationships and partnerships across organizations within local communities.

  • Increasing the capacity of current coordinated community response efforts to prevent violence against women and create prevention-focused coordinated community responses.

  • Promoting violence against women prevention education throughout our state and local communities.

  • Improving prevention education by strengthening linkages between prevention educators.