Saturday, August 25, 2007

Positively Poetic


Yesterday's post announced who is partnering so far for the SPEAK OUT @ Lansing City Hall @ noon on Oct. 1, where participants are welcome to impromptu share poems, songs, testimonies, and so on in promotion of neighborhood safety and confronting violence targeted at women.

We also are prepping a program of community members, artists, activists, and so on. Do you want to be in the line up? Then email with

* your name,
* contribution at the SPEAK OUT
(-->poem, song, testimony, etc.),
* and about your interest or connection to the event theme
(-->E/N/W/S-side resident, survivor of violence, local artist, etc.).

For acquaintances new to all of the SPEAK OUT partners, one of us will be in touch with you about program details. We hope to include as many people as interested in the program yet are working with a limited number of program slots.


Check it out! The first Prison Poetry Project took place recently at Gone Wired Cafe, where Survivin' & Thrivin open mikes glowed from Nov. 2006 to Apr. 2007.

Local poetry readers slip prison verse over razor wire
City Pulse, 22 August 2007

ARRO (Advocacy, Re-entry, Resources and Outreach) presented the event. To learn more about this group organized by the Northwest Initiative, see January 2007's Newsletter, page 2.